Job Application Form

Personal Data Data Pribadi

Emergency Contacts Orang Yg Dapat Dihubungi Dlm Keadaan Darurat

Name Address/Phone Occupation Relationship

FAMILY MEMBERS (include yourself) Susunan Keluarga (Termasuk diri sendiri)

Relationship Name Gender Age Latest Education Occupation Information
Position Company
Sibling 1
Sibling 2

FORMAL EDUCATION BACKGROUND Riwayat Pendidikan Formal / Informal

Level Name Of School City Major Period Pass/Fail
From To
Junior High
Senior High


Name of Course Organizer City Period Year Certificate

LANGUAGE/COMPUTER (Excellent, Good, Fair, Average)

Skills Listening Reading Speaking Writing


Name of organization Kind of Organization Position Period

HOBBY & FREE TIME ACTIVITIES Hobby & Kegiatan Di Waktu Luang

WORK HISTORY Riwayat Pekerjaan



References Reference

Name Address/Phone Occupation Relationship

Other Information Informasi Lainnya

Question Answer
Yes/No Explanation
Have you ever apply in this Company before? When and for what position?
Are you currently applying in another company?
Do you have any side job? In what position and where?
Do you have a contract with current employer? If yes, when does it expire?
Do you object if we request a reference from your previous companies?
Do you have friends/family who works at this Company? Named them!
Do you have chronic illness/ Surgery before? When and what kind is it?
Have you ever been investigated by the police for criminal act? When, where, and why?
If you are accepted, are you willing to travel?
How much is your current monthly salary? State your Basic & THP amount!
Currently what facilities/benefits do you get? Mention them in details!
What is your salary and facility expectation at the least?
If you are accepted, when can you join?


  • In the interest of the Company’s performance, the Company may require me to be moved to another position or location of work within the organization by taking into account my education, experience and ability, without any reduction of my formerly salary and facility.
    Untuk kepentingan kinerja Perusahaan, saya bersedia untuk dipindahkan ke bagian lain atau lokasi lain dalam organisasi Perusahaan, dengan memperhitungkan pendidikan, pengalaman serta kemampuan yang saya miliki, tanpa mengurangi gaji dan fasilitas semula.
  • I further declare that I am not a relative, (directly or indirectly) to any existing employees/members of PT. ABHIMATA PERSADA
    Saya lebih lanjut menyatakan bahwa saya tidak memiliki saudara/ kerabat (secara langsung atau tidak langsung) yang bekerja di PT. ABHIMATA PERSADA
  • I certify that the statements made in this application form are true and complete, I understand that any misrepresentation or omission will be considered sufficient reason for withdrawal of an offer or dismissal if employed.
    Saya menyatakan bahwa pernyataan-pernyataan yang dibuat dalam lamaran ini adalah benar dan lengkap, saya mengerti bahwa bila ada pernyataan palsu dapat dipakai sebagai alasan yang kuat untuk penolakan penerimaan kerja atau pemecatan bila sudah bekerja.